Sale Coupons & Promotion Programs
allows to use coupons/promotion for discount and offers in sales order
This module allows us to manage our sale better to increase sales by providing discount Coupons or Promotion Program to our special customers or to special sale.
This module allows you to generate Coupon codes and some promotoion programs, which can be used to provide Rewars on currunt order or on next orders.
Coupon/Promotion will be applicable on the odoo backend sale order.
Additional facility like Coupon apply on Specific products for selected customers or all, use of coupon for numner of time setup, valid time of coupon and with diffrent type of reward option.
Allow to Create Coupon Programs and Configure Promotional Programs to increase sale with discount on special occasions for customers.
Easily define certain rules for the Coupon generation and applicability.
Coupon Program inclueds many conditions, validity and rewards, base on this you can generate best coupon/promotion for your company.
Coupon/Promotion Program Conditions like: Based on Products, Based on Customers, minimum quantity, Minimum Purchase, sequence.
Coupon/Promotion Program Validity like: from date, to date, Apply on First X number of orders, Validity Duration in days or unlimited.
Coupon/Promotion Program Rewards like: Reward type(Discount, Free product, free shipping), Discount in Percentage or fix amount, Discount on order, chepest product or on specific product and maximum discount.
Special Option in Promotion program for Applicability
- Apply on Current Order - Reward will be applied on current order. (Coupon is not required)
- Apply on Next Order - Reward will be applied in next order. (Coupon is required)
Notify customers via mail when Apply on Next Order and applicable in next order.
Generate Coupon code automatically or manually with unique code.
set Limit the usage of coupons by each user or public and till validity.
Maintain the history of Coupon generation and redeem like order in which and by whome used.
Create & Configure Coupon/Promotion Programs
Create Promotion Programs in easy steps.
We can create a Promotion by setting some conditions, validity and Rewards for the program.
Condition: Based on Customers, Based on Products , Quantity , Minimum Purchase Amount, Use promo code or automatic.
Validity: Date From, Date To and Apply on First XXX Orders.
Apply on Current Order - Reward will be applied on current order. (Coupon is not required)
Apply on Next Order - Reward will be applied in next order. (Coupon is required)
Discount: Discount Type (Percentage, Fix Amount) , Discount On (Order, Chepest Product, Specific Product), Max discount.
Free Product: Product Selection
Free Shipping: shipping charge not apply on order.
Condition & Validity


Create Promotion Coupon in easy steps.
We can create a Coupon based on Number of Customer Selected or Number of Coupons
Apply on Current Order - Reward will be applied on current order. (Coupon is not required)
Apply on Next Order - Reward will be applied in next order. (Coupon is required)
Discount: Discount Type (Percentage, Fix Amount) , Discount On (Order, Chepest Product, Specific Product), Max discount.
Free Product: Product Selection
Free Shipping: shipping charge not apply on order.
Condition: Based on Products , Quantity , Minimum Purchase Amount, Use promo code or automatic.
Validity: Validity Duration in Days if set as 0 then infinite use.
Rewards & Condition & Validity

Generate Coupon

Coupon Code In Mail & Hitory
Coupon Code Mail

Coupon History